Tag: Chronic Kidney Disease
Nurturing Gut Health: The Importance of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Diet, and Lifestyle...
When managing kidney disease, focusing solely on renal health isn’t enough. Recent research has shed light on the crucial role of gut health in overall wellness, particularly for patients with kidney disease. This article explores the significance of probiotics, prebiotics, diet, and lifestyle changes in supporting gut health and improving health outcomes for those with kidney disease.
Nephro, Nephron, & Nephrology: What does it all mean?
Patients with kidney disease often hear words that start with the prefix nephro- (nephrology, nephrologist, nephrotic syndrome, nephropathy, nephrectomy). These words are derived from the Greek word nephros, which means kidney. How do these words relate to your kidney disease?
Southern Diet and Chronic illness
Did you know that your chances of having a stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease increases with a Southern diet of processed meats, and fried foods. In fact, there are thousands of people who live in southern states that are at an increased risk for those diseases. You may be asking why does a Southern diet put you at risk for these chronic disease, which are preventable?
A Brief Look at Peritoneal Dialysis
Did you know that many patients with kidney failure are able to home dialysis on their schedule? The most popular home dialysis is called peritoneal dialysis, or PD. With PD, you’ll go to the clinic just a couple of times a month to meet with your care team. The rest of your dialysis is done at home. So, you may ask what exactly is peritoneal dialysis or PD? Let’s take a look at what is peritoneal dialysis and how does it work.
How to Set Smart Goals & Keep your Gut Healthy with...
With the new year quickly approaching, you might be thinking of a new year's resolution or goal to accomplish in the coming year. If you’re thinking about focusing on a kidney health goal, it might be time to focus on your gut health. Setting a “smart” goal can help you reach your kidney health goals, like protecting your gut health, in a more efficient and timely manner.
Infection Risks: How to minimize them?
Thousands of patients each day undergo kidney dialysis treatment across the United States. These patients are at an increased risk for infection because the hemodialysis process requires frequent use of catheters or needles to access the bloodstream. Patients who undergo hemodialysis have weakened immune systems, which increase their risk for infection. They require frequent hospitalizations and surgery where they might acquire an infection.
A1c: What does it mean?
People with diabetes or at risk for diabetes often hear from healthcare professionals or their primary care physician about controlling their A1c, but what exactly is an A1c?
The Importance of a Good Blood Flow during hemodialysis.
Healthy kidneys clean the blood 24/7. During each minute of every day, around one quart (1000ml) of blood passes through the kidney. Considering its small size, this is a huge amount of blood, much more than is received by any other organ in the body. The total blood volume of an adult is around 5-7 quarts, so it takes only minutes for one’s entire blood supply to pass through the kidney, and more and more of the body’s wastes are cleared from the blood.
Protein: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease?
Patients with chronic kidney disease often hear the words from their dietician either decrease or increase your protein intake. Depending on what stage of chronic kidney disease they have. What exactly is protein, and why is it important for people with chronic kidney disease?
Chronic Kidney disease is characterized by the progressive loss in kidney function over a period of time....