Preventing Vision Loss If you have Diabetes: What you should know?
More than 37 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 1 out of 3 of them will develop diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness among working-age American adults.
The Importance of The Heart-Kidney Connection: What you should know?
If you have or are at risks for heart or kidney disease, it’s important for you to understand the connection between the heart and the kidney. Many people do not realize the importance of this connection. Let’s take a look at how the kidneys and heart work together.
How to Keep your Gut Healthy with CKD During the Holidays
Celebrating the holidays with friends, family, and loved ones can bring so much joy to one’s life. The food, laughter, and holiday spirit can be so exciting and fun! Unfortunately, all that fun can also bring stress and overwhelm, especially when it comes to eating with chronic kidney disease during the holidays. There are so many things to keep in mind during the holidays with CKD, but keeping your gut healthy should be of utmost importance. Keeping your gut healthy during a stressful time, like the holiday season, can help you feel better & help to protect your kidneys in the long run.
Infection Risks: How to minimize them?
Thousands of patients each day undergo kidney dialysis treatment across the United States. These patients are at an increased risk for infection because the hemodialysis process requires frequent use of catheters or needles to access the bloodstream. Patients who undergo hemodialysis have weakened immune systems, which increase their risk for infection. They require frequent hospitalizations and surgery where they might acquire an infection.
A1c: What does it mean?
People with diabetes or at risk for diabetes often hear from healthcare professionals or their primary care physician about controlling their A1c, but what exactly is an A1c?
The Importance of a Good Blood Flow during hemodialysis.
Healthy kidneys clean the blood 24/7. During each minute of every day, around one quart (1000ml) of blood passes through the kidney. Considering its small size, this is a huge amount of blood, much more than is received by any other organ in the body. The total blood volume of an adult is around 5-7 quarts, so it takes only minutes for one’s entire blood supply to pass through the kidney, and more and more of the body’s wastes are cleared from the blood.
What is Iron?
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10 Antioxidant Foods for the Kidney Diet
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Protect Your Feet: Diabetes Foot Care to reduce Infections and Amputation...
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Pneumococcal Vaccine: What You Should Know?
*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This information is not...