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The Hope

The Hope

A Brief Look at Skin and Hair Problems on Dialysis

Many people undergoing kidney dialysis have skin changes. The skin may seem more fragile. It may even bruise or tear easily. Dry, itching, or cracking skin is common. Some skin problems can be small. Others can make you feel bad about yourself or even cause you to not want to be seen by others. The good news is many skin problems can be helped.

A1c: What does it mean?

People with diabetes or at risk for diabetes often hear from healthcare professionals or their primary care physician about controlling their A1c, but what exactly is an A1c?

Chronic Kidney Disease & the Risk of a Stroke

Did you know that patients with kidney disease are at risk of having a stroke, which is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide? In fact, the risk of stroke is 5-30 times higher in patients with chronic kidney disease, especially on dialysis. So, what exactly is a stroke?

How to Care for Your Central Venous Catheter (CVC)

Sponsored by: Renadyl There are thousands of kidney patients that undergo hemodialysis using a hemodialysis catheter or generally...

The Importance of a Good Blood Flow during hemodialysis.

Healthy kidneys clean the blood 24/7.  During each minute of every day, around one quart (1000ml) of blood passes through the kidney. Considering its small size, this is a huge amount of blood, much more than is received by any other organ in the body. The total blood volume of an adult is around 5-7 quarts, so it takes only minutes for one’s entire blood supply to pass through the kidney, and more and more of the body’s wastes are cleared from the blood.

Tips for Fluid Control: What You Need to Know

Many new patients starting dialysis treatment have a hard time controlling their fluid intake. Controlling thirst can decrease the amount of fluid consumed and help achieve fluid goals.

Protein: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease?

Patients with chronic kidney disease often hear the words from their dietician either decrease or increase your protein intake. Depending on what stage of chronic kidney disease they have. What exactly is protein, and why is it important for people with chronic kidney disease?

What is Kt/V and What you Should Know?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This information is not...

Potassium: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This information is not...

What is Iron?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This information is not...