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Home Activities To Help You Fight Boredom

Home Activities To Help You Fight Boredom

No matter where you are around the globe, you probably had to put your life on pause in one way or another. Adjusting to this temporary lifestyle may be challenging due to social distancing. However, social distancing doesn’t have to be boring! Being at home may mean that you have more time than you have ever had before, so why not take advantage of it. It’s important to find the positivity in light of all of the negativity. We’ve compiled a list of different activities to help you practice some self-care and keep your mind at ease.   

Call or video chat with your family and/or friends. There’s no better time than now to call and check in with your family and/or friends. Call that person who you haven’t found time to contact and catch up with. Seeing their faces while still practicing social distancing may brighten your mood. Talking with someone close to you may help relieve any anxiety that you may be feeling amidst this global change. 

Read a new book. Choose a book you’ve meant to read and immerse yourself in it. To make things more fun, maybe even start a virtual book club with your friends or family. 

Color. There are tons of fun, intricate coloring books online. Coloring is actually a method of meditation and can be very therapeutic. Coloring also is a great way to connect with your creative side. 

Create a playlist of music that makes you happy. We live in the digital age, where there are several music streaming services available online. Make a playlist of songs that make you happy and play them on shuffle. Music can be very therapeutic and may brighten your mood. 

De-Clutter your space. Having to stay inside for an extended period of time is a great time to channel your inner Marie Kondo! Getting rid of clothes and belongings that no longer serve you any purpose is a good way to de-clutter and downsize. You can even donate any clothes or belongings that you aren’t using anymore. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out Marie Kondo’s Youtube Channel or her show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. 

Learn a new recipe. Learning a new recipe is a great way to improve your cooking skills! If you are on a renal diet, DaVita is a great source for kidney-friendly recipes. If you’re looking for recipe recommendations, check out our recent blog post for fun, kidney-friendly party recipes

Journaling. Journaling is a great way to express in writing how you might be feeling. For some people, it helps to write down how they are feeling, and it’s a good way to release any feelings that are bottled up. Journaling doesn’t have to be about your feelings, and it could also be a source to write down any goals you have for yourself, or even how your day was.

Take time to relax. Social distancing doesn’t mean you have to be productive. Take this time for yourself to actually relax while the world is on pause. 

Get into advocating! Maybe you’ve always wanted to advocate for your kidney community but never knew where to start? Take a look at this article by Jim Myers, National Kidney Foundation advocate on how to advocate from home!

Remember, we are all going through a global change right now, and it’s okay if you aren’t productive – do what’s best for you. 

Stay well, stay positive, and stay inside!

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