Buiyng Supplement from a Marketplace
*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or to prevent any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only.

The Holidays are around the corner. So as we enter the season of giving here are some ideas for the kidney patients in your life. 

Personalized picture blanket/pillow: 

A personalized gift that has pictures of their pets or family members helps them remember how loved they are with the added bonus of warmth and comfort. 


IYVE wear clothing is specifically designed with those with chronic illnesses in mind. This clothing has zippers strategically placed where nurses & technicians need access to while still having the patient remain comfortable. Take a look at IVYE wear here


  • Books
  • Tablet with access to a subscription service like Netflix or Hulu
  • Crossword puzzles 
  • Adult coloring books
  • Personal journal 
  • Knitting/ crochet needles 


  • Duffel bag or large tote that they can place items in they wish to bring to dialysis 
  • A fun pin to place on their dialysis bag to show their personalities
  • Fitness activity tracker 


  • Slow Cooker: A slow cooker is a great idea since patients tend to spend a long length of time at/on dialysis. This allows them to prepare a healthy meal and let it cook while they are receiving dialysis! 
  • Recipe books for a healthy renal diet is also a great gift idea! – “Cooking for Your Kidneys” – By Kidney X Patient Innovation Winner, John Vito
  • Kidney friendly Candy!
  • Fresh potted kidney friendly herbs

Personal Care: 

  • Body Lotion 
  • Fistula protector wristband 
  • Hand Sanitizer 
  • Dialysis arm sleeve 
  • Lavender Essential oil
  • Kidney supplements (If your kidney patient is open to taking them and their doctor has suggested to) 

Sponsored By: Kibow Biotech®